
Our Allied Websites

Learning for Health: Home education programs on CD and download from Deborah Bowes and Cliff Smyth

Institute for the Study of Somatic Education (ISSE): Feldenkrais Teacher Training programs with Julie Casson Rubin and Paul Rubin

Positive Edge Coaching: Cliff Smyth's life and well-being coaching practice

Feldenkrais® Professional Community Sites

Feldenkrais Guild of North America: information about Feldenkrais, including practitioner list

International Feldenkrais Federation: Guilds /Associations of Feldenkrais practitioners around the world, research list, research Journal, and other information

Other Informative Sites

The Sounder Sleep System site

Rob Black's Somatic Journeys site

Denis Leri's SemioPhysics site

Seth and Laura Paris's Paris Healing Arts site

Lavinia Plonka's site

MaryBeth Smith's Feldenkrais Center of Houston site

Deborah Quilter's RSI Help site