Feldenkrais Online

Click here to sign up for class

Weekly Awareness Through Movement Classes

• Monday 5:00 pm with Cliff Smyth

• Tuesday 12:00 noon with Marcia Scott

• Thursday 10:00 am with Deborah Bowes

Please log in 10 minutes before class.

hands touching

Online Self-paced Course with Deborah Bowes & Cliff Smyth

Click on these links:

• Touch for Well-being

• View free introductory classes for this course: click here

Online Self-paced Courses with Deborah Bowes

Click on these links:

The Pelvic Floor: Part 1: Discovery , Integration and Power

(Scroll down)

• The Pelvic Floor: Part 2: Power and Finesse

• Mind Mapping: integrating complexity and creative planning

• Curiosity, Self Image and Pain

Tips on Doing Feldenkrais Lessons Online with Zoom

• Space: Find a carpeted space or use a mat: you need at least as much space as you have at the Center. Have a folded towel for a head support. Let others in your household know you will be busy – or invite them along to the class.

• Noise: You will be muted when you come into the class, but before the class starts we invite you to unmute you to say hello. Do keep muted on Zoom during the class – this reduces the chance of background noise and feedback on the internet connection.

Camera: It is always nice for us to see you at the beginning and end of class, and it is great for us if at least some of you can angle the camera on your device to show you doing the lesson. However, this is not required. We have found that it is better to use a laptop or tablet than a phone, but if you only a phone, then of course use that.

• Take care of yourself: Go slow. Start small. Don’t do anything that causes or increases pain. Breathe. Don’t go as far as you can go. Reduce effort. Take rest. Just like live classes!

• Chat time: We will be around for a few minutes after class to share observations, answer questions, and just catch up and chat if you would like.


The classes offered by Kaiser Permanente have also been suspended indefinitely, and if you were enrolled in those classes you should contact Kaiser Health Education about their plans and arrangements. Kaiser classes at Mission Bay and the French Campus are also suspended.